Tag: #a fresh start

The Challenge | Update

Hey everyone! 👋🏾

It is a little later in the day, and I’m back with another post for you all.

If you’re new to the blog, welcome and if you want to learn more about the site, click here. If you’re new or a fellow reader, and you missed out on any of my other posts, click here to catch up on some good reading.

In my previous post, I talked about the challenge that Mom and I are doing for February. Today is an update on my progress so far with the challenge.

What’s Working ✨

I wanted to start off with the wins, the things I’ve been staying consistent with throughout the week. Every morning, I take a look at my Passion Planner and read one of the scriptures I wrote in the Space of Infinite Possibilities.

When I read the scripture of the week, it puts me in a positive mindset that my day is going to start off right. I then open my YouVersion Bible app, go through the Verse of the Day, and do a day in the Bible Plan that I’m following for the week. I remember I started doing this at the start of 2022 and it has helped me start my day on the right track ever since.

Another thing that’s helped me is drinking more water, from the time I wake up to when I go to bed. I’m working on changing my caffeine intake in the mornings. Some days, I give myself one cup of coffee, other days, one cup of tea. I notice a huge difference when I don’t drink enough water throughout the day.

So, a quick recap:

  • Reading the scripture I wrote for the week
  • Morning Quiet Time
  • Less Caffeine, More Hot Water

More Improvements ✍🏾

Now that we have covered what’s working, it’s time to address the areas I need to keep working on. One of the things I’m still working on is staying active. I did a workout for three days this week, I’m trying to do it every day since that’s part of the challenge. This week was a bad week for me due to the pancake supper and some things not functioning properly at work.

Mom is still cheering me on to stick with it, and not give up. I’m assuring her that I’m trying my best, but this week really put me in a bind. I’m going to make a plan for the rest of the month to try and finish strong.

This week…

  • Waking up early to do a workout
  • Set aside workout clothes in the morning
  • Find workouts ahead of time to do throughout the week

Thoughts 🤔

I’m learning that throughout this challenge, my biggest struggle has been managing my stress. I know it’s mostly due to not staying on top of checking in with myself and making sure that I’m taking care of myself.

Thanks to prayer and conversation with friends, I’m realizing that it’s time for a life pivot. I need to change everything to protect my peace and my overall health.

I’m in a positive mood about it all right now. I know I didn’t meet everything this week and last week. I’m going to continue to keep working on it until the habits stick.

I’ll be back in the future with another update, but for now, it’s time to relax with some reading at the moment. I’ll see you all tomorrow with another post.

Until next time…


Starting Over & Moments of Failure

Hey everyone! 👋🏾

I’m back with another blog post for the day. Hope you all are doing well on this fine Fat Tuesday.

For all the newcomers, welcome and click here to learn more about the site. To my readers and newcomers, click here to check out any blog posts you missed or if you’re in the mood for a re-read.

I’m currently out celebrating our annual Pancake Supper with our church, but I had enough time to write this post while it was fresh on my mind. If you all caught yesterday’s diary entry, you could tell that yesterday was not a good day.

Today, I stumbled upon this prompt in my Passion Planner:

Sit down for 15 minutes and think about something you failed at recently. Try it again using the insight that you have gained from failing once before to approach the task from a perspective.

And for the post, we will discuss moments of failure when starting over.

You Have the Right to Feel

In my last post, I shared how I was starting over with everything in my personal life. Honestly, that’s been the main focus of my blog since moving into the house back in April. While this is a fresh start for me, I can’t help but have these moments that I failed.

I feel like a failure, I keep making the same mistakes, I’m constantly fucking up (sorry for dropping the f-bomb, but you get the point). I’m a single woman, in her early thirties, doing the best she can, you’d think I should have it figured out. The truth is, I don’t.

There was an incident that occured with my work yesterday and things could have easily been avoided in order for the project to run smoothly, but between miscommunication, network issues, and other things, I had no control.

And in that moment, I cried. I let the tears flow for a good 20 minutes, and I felt better afterwards because I reminded myself that it’s okay to cry, it’s okay have those moments.

Time to Take Inventory

Today is a new day, and I took time at 3AM to write down what I was doing today. So far, I’m sitting with myself for a moment and writing down what’s not working in my life right now.

Also, currently writing this blog post again while it’s fresh in my mind.

For instance, my health goals are slowly reverting back to health aesthetics rather than meaningful reasons for me to release weight.

I learned that focusing on monthly goals are best for me rather than taking on the whole year. I can break down the steps smaller and work my way up to bigger goals over time.

Also, it helps to learn from wisdom. I can’t go into this prideful anymore, it’s okay to ask for help. Didn’t realize it until things started spiraling out of control. I have to let go of control in order to move forward in life.

Start Now

No matter where you are in your season of starting over, if you’re ready to make a change, a pivot, do it now. Take the time to find out what you like to do. Take the time to learn what you don’t like to do. Figure out what your skills are, and where you can improve.

Enjoy your season, make memories, learn the lessons and figure out how you can help and teach others. Don’t feel discouraged about starting over or having to reset, embrace the feeling of the unknown and have a mindset of expectance, expect blessings to come your way, expect positive thoughts and people to come your way.

I hope you all enjoyed today’s post, and I will see you all tomorrow with another one. I’m satisfied off of pancakes 🥞. Have a good night.

Until next time…


Mon. 02|12|24- Diary👋🏾

Hey everyone 👋🏾.

So today is just a normal diary entry due to getting of work late.

Today was okay for the most part. I was doing work, in a good mood, everything seemed to be going great.

Until I left our meeting…

Things hit the fan, and long story short, I stayed later to make sure things were building.

Today taught me that while things happen, it’s important for me to not react so quickly. I’ve been stressed for the remainder of the day, which is not good.

I stumbled across these two videos that really motivated me to keep going. The two women here are Dyana Marie and JennNoire. You can find them both on YouTube.

You have to start over…so what? | Dyana Marie

In the first video, Dyana talks about how it’s important for us to take the lessons we’ve learned and start over from wisdom.

It means learning that what worked one season may not work another season, and with each season, we’re never going to stay the same, however, we can’t expect real change if we’re able to adapt and grow to get to the next part of our journey.

It’s time to pivot | visual diary | JennNoire

In the next video, JennNoire talks about how it’s good acknowledge the signs that it’s time for us to pivot. Whether it’s career, environment, relationships, we have to learn to have patience, and understand that when we’re learning things that are either stressing or frustrating, maybe we shouldn’t quit, but consider thinking about taking another path.

Tomorrow is going to be a better day, right now I just need to shut my eyes and get some rest. We have our annual Pancake supper at church so I’m looking forward to that.

So, there will be some blog posts tomorrow, but just one for tonight. I’ll see you all on Tuesday. Have a good night.

Until next time…


The Challenge

Hey everyone! 👋🏾

I’m back with another post for the day.

Hope you all are enjoying your Friday evening. If you are new here, welcome to the blog, and click here to learn more about the site. To my followers, welcome back and as always, if you missed out on old posts, click here to catch up on some good reading!

So, back in January, my mother and I were discussing getting back on track with our health (as well as other things). Upon her research, my mother proposed to me a challenge for February. After my long bout of depression, I needed something to help me get my life back on track. This was that moment.

Today, I’m going to talk about the details of the challenge, and how my progress has been for the past few days.

Challenge Details

January was a decent month for me when it came to food. I was eating mostly fruits and vegetables throughout the month during my birthday vacation and continued the diet until the end of the month. Unfortunately, that was it. I wasn’t working out, and on a good day, I could guzzle down 40oz. of water with my Yeti. I wasn’t active, and when I told myself I would work out the next day, I found myself making excuses or I would push it to another day if I was under the weather.

But that all changed when I received this text from my mother:

“Every day, we’re doing the following:

  • Pray
  • Do Walk Away the Pounds (1 Mile)
  • Drink 32oz. of water
  • Eat a fruit and a veggie
  • Read/meditate on a scripture verse

It will become a habit.”

So for those of you who would like to do this challenge for a week, or a month, feel free to do it at your own pace. Do what feels right and comfortable for you, and remember to have fun. Here is a more detailed list of the challenges, hope this helps you all:

  • Pray– Pray when you wake up in the morning, pray throughout your day, and pray before you go to bed. Whether you write it in a journal or say it verbally, prayer is important.
  • Move– Do some form of movement for 10 to 30 minutes. If you’re just starting back working out, start slow, and find something fun to do. Walk Away the Pound is a great program to do for thirty minutes, and you can do it in the comfort of your home. There’s a channel on YouTube if you’re searching for it.
  • Hydrate– Start your day with a cup of warm water, and drink water throughout the day. If you can drink 32 oz. a day, drink it, if you can drink more, drink it. If you can drink 16oz. that’s okay, drink it. Remember to drink water to stay hydrated and feel great.
  • Eat the Rainbow– Incorporate fruits and vegetables in your meals throughout the day. Whether it’s a yummy salad or some fruit with yogurt, mix it up, but make sure to eat all the healthy colors of the rainbow.
  • Read/Meditate– Take time to meditate, do breath work, read the Word and meditate on the scripture, and do some self-reflection, it’s important to take care of yourself mind, body, & spirit.
  • Unwind– Rest is important, remember to take time to unwind from screens and get the proper sleep that your body needs so you can be present and prepared for the days ahead.

Now that I have given you a list of what the challenge holds, here are a few reminders I want to leave you all with while you take on your own challenge.

Friendly Reminders

While I understand that health is wealth and that it is important to take care of yourself, I also know that sometimes, if things don’t go as planned, we tend to put ourselves down. So, while you start reading and planning out your challenge for the week or the month, here are some things to remember:

  • Accountability– It’s best to do this challenge with someone or a group of people who will hold you accountable. My mother texts me throughout the week and we have our daily check-ins to see how the other person is doing. Having a partner or a group of people doing the challenge with you will get you motivated and push you to keep going.
  • Ease into It– Read the list, and evaluate what you can do. If you know you can only drink 16oz. to start, that’s fine. If you can only put in ten minutes or fifteen minutes of a workout, do it. Don’t feel like you have to do so much.
  • Positive Affirmations– For the days that you’re not feeling, give yourself a little pep-talk. Whether that’s through scripture or positive affirmations, speaking positivity over your life is going to help you be more motivated to build better habits each day.
  • Give Yourself Grace– If you have a day (or a few), that’s okay. Take note of what happened- did something come up? Were you sick? Once you’ve done that, think of ways you can work around those mishaps in the future, so you can continue to do your best throughout the challenge. We all make mistakes, and we all have setbacks, the important thing is to remind yourself that it’s okay, to learn from them, and move forward.

And most importantly, have fun doing it!!!!!!

Now that I’ve told you about the challenge and given you some helpful reminders to help you throughout your journey, I’ll share with you my progress so far.

A Recap of Week 01

The first few days were good. It helped that I was at Mom’s because I was able to do exercises with Nana. We’ve been working on helping her get her strength back since she’s been living with Mom. She enjoys doing her exercises with me, so we all did a family workout together.

It wasn’t until I returned back home that things went a bit astray. While I’ve been doing well drinking water throughout the week, my eating habits have gotten the best of me, and it is about time for me to go grocery shopping again.

Prayer has been a strong force in my life at home. I had a few nights where sleep was not the best due to feeling sick and tired. One of these nights, I remember watching InTouch Ministries, where the late Dr. Charles Stanley talked about the importance of not living in fear and how in our walk, we should have prayers that anchor us when we feel anxious and worried about our current circumstances. While I stayed up until 4AM that night, it calmed me down and got me thinking:

  • What are my anchor prayers?
  • Are the foods I’m consuming causing me to become more anxious in life?
  • Are the things I’m worrying about something that I can turn over to God?
  • Why should I worry about anything as a Christian?

This week has been a test for me with my faith. Thanks to listening to InTouch and taking the time to read the Word at the end of the day, I feel more calm and more at peace at night. So here are some things I’m learning after these past few days:

  • A splash of lemon juice helps me drink water better
  • Creating salads is my go-to for a healthy lunch and dinner
  • Mini breaks are the best for doing simple movements (and help get steps in)
  • Don’t do well working out or eating when stressed
  • Reading and journaling before bed helps calm me down (plus soothing Lo-Fi music)
  • Taking medicine early helps me fall asleep early

I’m still staying positive because Mom has been texting me throughout the week to keep me motivated. She even has one of her good friends joining us, and I’ve been thinking about having Jasmine join and do it with me as well.

There you have it, I hope you all enjoyed today’s post. If you are inspired to start this challenge or took ideas and decided to create your own, let me know in the comments below. Have a great evening, and I will see you all in the morning. Good night and sleep tight. 🌙

Until next time…


Reflections | January

Hey everyone!

I’m back again with another blog post for you all. We are now in February, but thanks to my birthday vacation, I was able to take some time to work things out in my life.

Today, I’ll share with you all a recap of January, and how the month went for me.

Chapter 33

I celebrated another birthday, and it was crazy because the day felt like a normal day. Even though I’m a year older, it didn’t feel different. However, I took the time to be a kid again, and do the things I would do on my birthday when I was little. I spent the first few weeks of January at my mother’s house, which is not only my vacation home, but it was also a moment of rescue for Mom.

It’s been a few years since Nana moved out of her house and into a room of her own at Mom’s full-time. While it’s been fun, it is a challenge because I’ve seen first-hand that it’s hard being the sole caretaker of someone you love. Since I wasn’t doing anything special for my birthday, I told Mom I would stay and help her out for the time I was there.

It was fun, we would laugh as she would get excited about her westerns coming on television. I met her companion, a sweet lady named Mrs. Evonne, who sits with her for a few hours. They sit and read The Upper Room to have bible study, followed by a few rounds of intense Pokeno. I giggle when I hear the two shouting and taunting at each other, like kids on the playground.

The birthday festivities continued when my friends came by to visit and hang out, and Mom created a beautiful Charcuterie Board. We moved to the basement where we laughed and talked about work, passions, life in the now, and what to look forward to in the future.

Overall, another birthday well-spent and I will cherish forever.

Life Lessons

Of course, each month comes with moments of rough patches, and lessons to learn. Here are some of the lessons I took away from January:

  • Don’t be ashamed about where you are in life– I was talking to a friend of mine, and I vented to them about how I felt like I was going backwards in life because of the move, as well as starting over with my finances. They assured me that I was doing okay, and that there are others out there going through the same thing as me. It calmed me down because it reminded me that you never stay the same when you go through new seasons of life.
  • Live Well Within Your Means– Amid living in the house, I was trying to make it feel more like a home. I learned quick you can’t accomplish this with the mindset of champagne dreams and beer money. I had to humble myself quick because amid trying to redecorate, I was spending more than I could handle, which resulted in me starting over financially now. Don’t rush trying to live like the Big Shots you see on television, take your time, learn other ways to get the look but cheaper, save up for those special items, and learn to live with what you have.
  • Don’t Stay Knocked Down– I’m recovering from my depression and learning that I can’t keep doing the same thing day in and day out. After opening with my mom and friends about how I was feeling with these changes in my life, it was clear that I was becoming more isolated and spending too much time by myself, as well as being less motivated to do the things I used to enjoy doing. I need to change things up, not just my mindset, but in my routine, my habits, and try to stay consistent in everything I do in life.

What Now?

It’s February, and I’m slowly getting back to my old self. I am taking things on one day at a time and learning to forgive myself for the mistakes I’ve made, as well as give myself grace for the things to come. I’m participating in a monthly challenge with Mom. I’ll keep you updated about it in a later post, and throughout the month of February. I’ve started a new journaling practice thanks to one of my friends, where I start the entry with:

What am I doing with Today?

I noticed that I wasn’t journaling as much the last few months like I used to. Also, as I mentioned before, there will be changes to the blog. I’ll share with you all those changes in a series called Blog with Me. Throughout the series, I’ll talk about my process, what’s different, and everything that I’m learning about blogging along the way. I’ll end the post with this question:

How was your January and do you have any life lessons you’d like to share?

Comment down below and let me know your thoughts, and I hope you all enjoyed today’s post. I’ll see you all tomorrow with another one.

Until next time…
