Protecting Energy

Featured Image by Joshua Newton on Unsplash

Good morning!

Hope my last post caused a spark within you to prune some things in your life. If you missed last week’s post, click here to read more.

This past weekend was a test on my mental health. I had been running on high ever since receiving great news about my doctor’s visit last Thursday. But there were certain instances and events from Friday through Sunday that really caused a shift in me mentally.

I noticed I wasn’t focusing on positive thoughts throughout the day like I should, it was hard for me to give advice without someone shooting me down or cutting me off. It felt like I was going backward with my mental health this weekend.

Today, I’ll share with you the ways I’m practicing protecting my energy.

Sticking to a Ritual or Routine

Photo by Prophsee Journals on Unsplash

For the past few months, especially since I’m back working from home, I made it my mission to live daily with the intention to make the most out of my day. My routine looks like this:

Lemon Water– I make myself a fresh cup of lemon water before heading towards my morning cup of coffee or green tea. Since I’m working on improving my health, drinking a hot or warm glass of water helps kick off healthy digestion, and with all my other issues, the last thing I need is a bad gut.

A Curated Playlist– I use my iPad and start the day with the Verse of the Day, and then I’ll listen to other things, whether it’s an audiobook, podcast, or music. I’ll listen to an album for the whole day, based on how I’m feeling. The feeling of getting lost in sound and words and shutting everything else out for a moment is vital for your energy.

Journaling– During my mini breaks, I’ll sit and journal a prayer to God, and then journal about my current mood in the moment or throughout the day. The past few weeks, I’ve noticed if I do it consistently, my mood and thoughts remain positive. If I miss a day or more, I can tell that my mood is not in sync and I’m not in a good headspace.

Reading– Although I listen to audiobooks, I’m reading more physical books during my mini breaks as well. Some of the books I’ll read focus on personal growth, mental health, self-love, and other topics that I’m working on in my life now. If you want to know what I’m reading this month, click here to see the books I have for October.

Daily Chores– Sometimes, I’ll do a deep clean of my apartment on Thursdays or Fridays, but lately, if things aren’t in complete shambles, I’ll keep up with tiny chores around the apartment. From reminding myself to make my bed, to organizing the mail that comes in. Doing these tiny chores helps me cut down on the amount of clutter that comes into my apartment.

Having these rituals and routines set in place not only helps me complete the task, but it’s easier for me to focus on the positive things in my life. Whether it’s being content with where I am in the moment or reflecting on the good things that happened during the week.

Leave It Be

Photo by Brett Jordan on Unsplash

As humans, we’re created to socialize, and everyone deals with their share of experiences, good and bad. Those experiences involve individuals that can be negative or toxic to us. I wrote a post in May about a relapse I had, dealing with someone that was toxic, and how it affected me in the end.

If you would like to check out that post, click here.

When it comes to dealing with toxicity in your life, it can be overwhelming on you, mentally, physically, and spiritually. And if you find yourself where you have come up with everything to make things work with a person who is difficult to deal with, and it’s not working out, it’s time to let it be.

In my situation, I found myself constantly arguing with the person, and it didn’t resolve anything. Arguing isn’t going to solve the problem, nor giving great solutions. Until that person wants to change and makes that decision on their own, it’s best to leave well alone, and focus on putting your energy into those who need it most.

Energy Boosters and Drainers

Photo by Joanna Kosinska on Unsplash

Sometimes, it may help to protect your energy by understanding what your triggers are. Learn more about what your triggers are, what drains your energy. Then, figure out how to protect it if you find yourself in that situation.

For me, it’s important for me to recharge after going out on an outing with family or friends. I’m an introvert, and a homebody, so being at home at times doesn’t bother me. But if we’re out, and it’s an environment I don’t feel comfortable going to, I’ll let it be known to those that love me and care about me.

A great example is this season, fall is a beautiful time of year here in Missouri, so there is plenty to do outdoors on the crisp, fall days. But, since I have chronic allergies, I’m also being careful while I’m out and about, because I don’t want to catch a cold due to weather change, and I get sick. During this time, there is plenty to do in the STL during the fall season.

Also, see what gives you energy. Whether that’s going for a walk around the block, or breathwork and meditation, these are the things that give you energy. I’m realizing that certain foods are good for my mental health, as well as giving me energy when I go work out with Dad. Even having a set sleep schedule and night routine is a booster in energy to take on a productive day.

Do any of you have a ritual for protecting your energy? Did any of these triggers and boosters seem helpful to you? Let me know in the comments below. If you’re new to the blog, welcome, and want to learn more about the site, click here to read more. Missed my earlier posts? Click here to catch up on some reading on “As Told by Gabby.” I’ll see you all soon with another post.

Until next time…

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