SUN. // 05|28|31

Good afternoon ☀️

The past few days have been a steady road of recovery as far as me getting sick on Thursday. I never want to experience that again, so I’m still taking it easy as far as what I’m fueling my body.

What does “having it all” mean to you? Is it attainable?

It’s been a month of living in Nana’s house, and it’s crazy that this prompt came up. I’ve been getting things, buying things to not only make parts of the house feel more comfortable for me.

These past few days only made me realize that I’m trying to fill a void with things, that I’m not living in the house to enjoy the experience and work on myself. I’m stressing myself out trying to fix things up in the house I have no control over.

Growing up, I remember having it all meant having the lastest clothes and shoes, working in a career where you’re making a lot of money, getting your first place in your teenage years, and living your best life.

Now, in my 30’s, having it all means staying close with family and friends, learning different parts about yourself daily, always trying something new and experience different things in life. And being to share your experiences with others to teach, inspire, motivate, and help others.

I feel like it’s hard to adapt to a new way of living if you don’t fully understand why you’re doing it. For me, living a more minimalist, simplified lifestyle can help me in so many ways.

Yet, I’m still so used to living in a society where we can’t seem to function without consumerism. I understand it’s okay to have nice things, but it can be overwhelming to have too many nice things.

I came across a 30-Day Minimalist Challenge for June to help me do more downsizing. In the meantime, Mom, Nana, and I are going for an outing today. I’ll check in with you all later.

Until next time…


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