A Season of Healing

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2022 has been an important year for me because each month, I’m going through a season of healing. Whether it’s healing my body from being sick or healing my soul from old wounds of the past. My word of the year is Healing.

Today, I’ll share what I’ve learned in my seasons of healing.

Healing the Body

Photo by Kike Vega on Unsplash

In the past, I used to neglect taking care of my physical health. It became a problem once the pandemic hit, and my weight got out of control. After taking time to see the full picture and understanding the importance of physical activity in my life, I put my words into action.

I created a simple work out routine, consisting of mostly cardio. I would go walking on days if the weather allowed it. On Wednesdays and Thursdays, I go to the gym with Dad and dedicate 30 minutes on the treadmill and the other 30 to the different machines.

The more I committed to moving, the more I started to see changes in myself. The weight was slowly falling off, I started having more energy, and I found myself staying more productive throughout the day.

Healing the Mind

Photo by Motoki Tonn on Unsplash

Another thing people don’t know about me is that I suffer from chronic migraines. Lately, they haven’t been as severe, but when they occur, it takes a toll on me mentally. It’s hard for me to stay focused, and concentrate on certain tasks.

Now, I’ve learned that this is the time to let me mind rest. I’m busy during the week, consuming my work on a computer screen, as well as writing when I’m on my phone. These are the moments my Quiet Times come in handy. I’ll cut back on distractions, read my Bible, or I’ll watch a sermon on YouTube. I’ll then listen to an audiobook or sketch, do something calming.

This is still something I’m working on, but I can see a difference when my mind is focused on certain things.

Healing the Soul

Photo by Daniel Mingook Kim on Unsplash

2020 was the year I started back journaling again. I felt myself asking a lot of questions and I wasn’t getting answers or receiving clarification to them. I found myself asking the same thing over and over again.

Thanks to prompts, I’m able to ask the right questions; sometimes, these can be challenging questions about myself that show me what needs to change in my life. I’ve allowed hurt and pain from my past to follow me into the present, and I’m working on forgiving myself and my past so I can move on in life.

That’s where I’m at in my season of healing. I’m still healing, but I’m not where I was before. I’m growing, learning, understanding, and making better decisions and fewer mistakes.

I hope today’s post inspires you to start your process of healing. Let everything out and let it go. I’ll see you tomorrow with another post.

Until next time…

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